Disability Management / Return to Work
As the economic and human costs of worker injuries and illnesses rise, the demand for controlling those costs increases. Although accidents and illnesses are often preventable, and prevention is the best way to protect employees and control costs, workplaces need a way to manage resources and assist employees when injuries and illnesses do occur.
Disability management is a collaborative strategy that optimizes the health and productivity of an organization’s workforce through prevention, education, rehabilitation, stay at work accommodation and return to work services.
An effective Disability Management Program starts with early preventative measures; facilitates early intervention in case of accident or illness; helps to maintain a positive connection to the workplace; alleviates the concerns experienced by injured or ill employees; and gets the worker back on the job in a safe manner at the earliest time. Our three point assessments 'Employee, Attending Physician, Employer' ensure appropriate medical assessments, referrals, treatment and follow through are undertaken in efforts to minimize employee absence and facilitate a timely return-to-work. Identification of, and referral to, independent evaluators and community treatment services (including Psychiatry, Psychology, Social Work, Physical and Occupational Therapy) that can augment vocational rehabilitation programs.
A Disability Management Program helps return employees to the workplace as part of their recovery. This maximizes treatment while minimizing lost time and the associated human and financial costs to the employee, their family, the employer and society. Studies have shown that where Disability Management Programs exist, costs associated with injury or illness – both human and financial – are significantly reduced.
Creating and maintaining a productive workplace is a complex challenge. However, there are some basic principles that will help to create the foundation for a healthy work environment.
Call HR-Fusion for information on how to implement an effective Disability Management Program that is genuinely a “win-win” situation for all parties involved.