Many Employers choose to provide transition support/outplacement to reduce termination-related liability for terminated staff and to mitigate damages for both the employee and the company. But apart from the legal responsibilities most employers want to provide assistance and are compelled to help exited employees move forward.
HR-Fusion has partnered with Fresh Transition, a web-based solution, that provides a comprehensive online employee transition support service with a unique Customer Relations Management (CRM) tool that effectively manages a job seekers pipeline.
This cost-effective product allows employers to provide transition support to a broader spectrum of employees. In the past, transition support was generally only offered to senior or management level and long term employees. Fresh Transition is for self-directed transition support and is so reasonably priced you’ll be shocked. You’ll be amazed at how much value your exited employee receives and how much goodwill you provide for so little cost.
- There is no set-up, integration or support from your organization required.
- Users can get started immediately.
- End-user licenses can be purchased for individuals or groups
- There is zero learning curve, it is easy-to-use
- Provides on-line access for up to 1 year.
What does Fresh Transition do?
- It provides transitioning employees with the ability to integrate their professional networking practices and job search activities, providing a central organized tool
- It provides a CRM like tool to effectively manage job search.
- It drives daily activities based on established job search goals
- It manages and organizes all job search-related documents
- It automates all administrative aspects of the career transition process
It includes HR-Fusion’s Work Search Manual
Send a positive and powerful message that your organization cares about their people. Contact HR-Fusion to provide your recently de-hired staff with an intuitive and easy-to-use Job Search Transition Tool that puts resources and a job search CRM at their fingertips. Fee ranges dependent on volume, you could pay as little as $250.
Call HR-Fusion for more information.