Invest in Management & Supervisors, or risk being held liable

By: Holly Ormsbee

Management carry great responsibility and influence in the workplace.The implications of their actions and decisions can open up an employer to liability and legal action.An average of 2,500 discrimination cases are filed every year in Ontario. This startling statistic provides evidence that it is critical for management to have a clear understanding of employment related laws. By acting in accordance to the law, employee complaints and law suits will be reduced. This in turn reduces the employer's operating costs, aggravation and energy spent on dealing with legal issues and minimizes the fallout to both employee and public relations. The time and resources that are subsequently freed up, can be redeployed to focus on revenue generating activities.

In Ontario the key employment related legislation include but are not limited to:

  • The Employment Standards Act, 2000
  • Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)
  • The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA), this legislation is only applicable in some workplaces
  • Pay Equity Act

It is especially important in workplaces that do not have a dedicated Human Resources Professional that Management has a good understanding of the above mentioned legislation. These Managers need to operate as their own mini HR Managers. Management have an obligation to uphold the employer’s integrity and lawful responsibilities and reduce risk.

Investing in training your management team on employment legislation and your company’s related policies will have a significant return on investment (ROI). Legal action can cost an employer a fortune and can have a detrimental impact on public perception, and the ability to recruit and retain staff and clients.

HR-Fusion can customize appropriate  training to suit your needs.  

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