Mediation & Conflict Resolution

Mediation is a powerful conflict resolution tool where an impartial third party helps committed parties discuss a dispute and work toward a solution that is acceptable to all parties. The mediation process provides a voluntary forum that gives the participants an opportunity to control their future, while saving time, money and preserving relationships. Unlike a judge or arbitrator, the mediator does not decide the outcome of the dispute. Mediated agreements tend to succeed because they result from a process that allows parties to create their own solutions.

Workplace conflict reduces productivity and generates tension that commonly extends beyond the original parties involved in the issue.  The ripple effects of frustrated, angry and resentful behaviours have a major impact on others in the company. Employers have found the use of mediation services can significantly reduce the costs of workplace conflict.  Resolving issues effectively and in a timely manner will bring enhanced benefits that extend out into an organization further than those who are immediately involved – it has a direct impact on organizational culture.

A workplace environment that provides the best tools for the speedy resolution of conflict and implements solutions that address the causes of the conflict will reap the benefits of proactive and healthy behaviours. 


Call HR-Fusion to put your conflicts to rest.

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