Performance Management
A properly designed and executed performance management system is a
strong and powerful tool that addresses the following issues:
- Current employee performance
- Compensation and rewards
- Employee development and career planning
- Training strategy and budget
- Promotion and succession planning
- Staffing decisions including staff reduction
Organizations have the best of intent when implementing and conducting performance evaluations but need to be aware of the pitfalls and recognize that an improperly implemented system can ‘backfire’ compromising the good intentions of the tool.
It is critical that a consistent process and tool is utilized to evaluate all employees. Organizations and Performance Management designers must recognize that though there may be some core competencies required by all staff for the most part there are specific performance factors/ competencies that are required and need to be measured for each position. Evaluators should be well trained in using the tool, in communicating feedback and in developing an employee plan of action for development.
Experts recommend that a performance management process should not be a once-a-year event but an on-going activity that provides employee feedback on performance and is an opportunity to coach and develop employees to be the best that they can be.
Setting-up and designing a Performance Appraisal Program
- Identify best method
- Identify competencies for each position – based on performance factors
of each position
- Job descriptions/profiles should be up to date, accurate and reflective of true job requirements and performance factors/competencies
HR-Fusion can design, establish and implement a process and provide on-going support with conducting performance appraisals and regularly evaluating the effectiveness. Programs are customized to meet the organization’s needs