Termination Planning
Business decline, mergers, acquisitions, changing strategies, product modification, job simplification, organizational culture change… these are today’s corporate realities leaving companies with no choice but to terminate employees from their workforce. The probability of lifelong employment has become the exception versus the rule in today's workplace. Yet, terminating employees from the organization is one of the most stressful and difficult tasks a manager has to do. How terminations are handled is critical to the continued success of an organization.
Whether it is with a few people or a major downsizing, ending an employment relationship must be exercised with fairness, dignity and respect. Implementing effective termination strategies can help minimize the chance of litigation, maintain the morale of remaining employees and preserve the corporate reputation.
HR-Fusion professionals work with management before, during and after the
termination by:
- Meeting/discussing exit strategies and best practices with exiting team/manager
- Reviewing your termination offer – We have legal counsel available
- Coaching manager/supervisor – How to break the news
- Developing/recommending employee communication post termination
- Providing guidance, support and solutions to quickly re-engage remaining staff
- Supporting manager/supervisor/team before, during and after the termination
- Giving feedback to management post termination
- Overseeing the removal of personal possessions from the work area
- Collecting company belongings
- Being available to respectfully escort employee from premises (if required)
HR-Fusion professionals work with the displaced employee on the day of
termination by:
- Being on site the day of termination
- Providing
support to exited employee
- Offering assistance to make transportation arrangements
- Assisting the employee to gather personal belongings
- Helping the employee to their means of transportation
- Contacting employee later that day (with permission)
- Arranging a follow up appointment to begin the process
Services to the employee include:
- Debriefing their job loss – working through the grieving process
- Initiating the involvement of the significant other involvement where appropriate
- Selecting assessment tools collaboratively with client based on need
- Administering and debriefing assessments
- Providing HR-Fusion’s workbook “Making Informed Career Decisions”
- Uncovering skills and strengths for resume development and enhancing self esteem
- Coaching to clarify career direction
- Planning and setting realistic attainable goals
- Identifying and clarifying occupational goal
- Developing a professional resume and cover letter
- Providing HR-Fusion’s guide “Resumes, Cover Letters and Portfolios that Work”
- Teaching job search strategies – electronic and traditional
- Developing and implementing a targeted Job Search Strategy
- Providing HR-Fusion’s guide to “Effective Interview Skills”
- Training and coaching to conduct effective interviews
- Coaching throughout the job search
- Providing follow-up guidance after the interview Job Search and Interview Follow-up
- Offering financial assessment/consulting
- Negotiating job offers
- Referring to community support services as required
Call the HR-Fusion professionals to discuss your circumstances; we'll design a package of services individualized to meet the specific needs of your company and the displaced employee(s).